Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ummm . . . Tom . . .
 Tom, I think we took a wrong turn somewhere . . .

Ooops. you caught us.  We're in Rome!! somehow . . .  Well it happened like this:  Argentina wasn't teaching us much about cheesemaking, or farming at all really.  As beautiful and lovely as the people and landscapes were, turns out its not the number one best place to learn how to make cheese, which is, we decided, our main prerogative.  And well, no time like the present I suppose. Carpe Diem!  So we hopped a plane from Buenos Aires to Milan via Sao Paulo, where everything that ends in an "n" takes a turn for the cat-like, meaning we flew to Millleow.  It happened to be fashion week.  Don't worry, we blended right in with our "hiking boot" chic.
We got ourselves on the schedule of a goat farm in north eastern Tuscany outside of Arezzo ( )  And a month long stint near the magical town of Carcassonne near the French Pyrennes. But until work starts . . . Rome!! Gelato!! Vespas!!

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys. You are amazing. All of your adventures. Glad you are safe and hope you find some good cheese-making teaching places and enjoy some Italian calories.
